Attract Anything You Want

Believe and It Will Come

The universe is very open now and are giving people what they desire. Take one minute to go like the new law of attraction Fan Page HERE and the universe will give you what you truly desire.

Law of Attraction Introduction

Welcome. This page is for you all to learn how to manifest your desires by using the Law of Attraction. Gratitude is the main key, you must be thankful for everything.


Monday, September 12, 2016

Vibrational Manifestation

Let me preface this by saying that I'm not necessarily the kind of person who believes in Law of Attraction or anything like that. Never have been. People say I'm pragmatic, but I prefer sensible.
Anyway here's my story...
For the past ten years, I'd been running my dad's carpentry business. 8 months ago, I had to close it down after being in the red for a better part of last year. Having run my dad's business to the ground, I'm almost ashamed to admit... I wasn't in the best state of mind. I'd lost my confidence, and doubted my own ability as the sole breadwinner in the family to provide for my wife Joan and our two boys.
We struggled with the bills (especially the mortgage on our house) on a bag boy's salary (no one was hiring at the time except the local grocery store) but we did what we could. Joan even offered to look for a job herself, but we couldn't leave our two boys at home. We could barely keep the lights on, so paying for a babysitter was out of the question.
Then, about 4 months ago, my brother dropped by the house, and I was shocked by how good he was doing. Last I remembered he was up to his neck in debt, but there he was, rolling up in a swanky new Cadillac, looking spiffy like some Texan oil tycoon.
Of course, we got talking about how he'd gotten over his money troubles, and he mentioned something that made me wonder if he was messing with me. He said he'd gotten a book called Vibrational Manifestation, and had learned how to "align his vibrational frequency" for wealth and success. I must have looked at him like he was crazy when he said he wanted me to give it a shot.
Even though I had my doubts, Joan convinced me to try it, so I did.
And what did I think of it? Well...
Let's start with what Vibrational Manifestation is all about.
Basically, the author Matthew Norman claims that the one thing that determines our success in life is our vibrational frequency. He writes that there is a greater, unseen link between the universe and every person in it. The state that we find ourselves in, whether it's poverty or wealth, has to do with how "in sync" we are with frequencies associated with such states. These frequencies can be measured through our brainwaves. The author also says that we can change our states of being by altering our frequency, which in turn can be achieved by changing the way we think, the things we do, etc.
The basic idea here is whatever outcome you desire in life depends on the energy you send out to the universe. If you want a positive outcome in your wealth, you have to get into the right "vibrational state" to send out positive energy and intentions into the universe.
Now to be frank, I found some of the stuff about the universe and frequencies and vibrations to be a bit much. But the idea behind some of the stuff taught in this book made sense. If you want success then why wouldn't you visualize the success you'll achieve? Why wouldn't you think, live, breathe success 24/7?
So I learned all I could from the Vibrational Manifestation book. I applied every lesson that had me changing my "vibrational state", and did all the exercises that would have me be "in sync" with the more successful version of myself. I even used one of the bonuses that the author included to practice meditation (Joan said it would help me be less of a hothead, and it has).
And you know what?
A month and a half after finishing that book, things actually started looking up! I got a job offer from an old acquaintance who came back to town, doing what I do best. I was given the chance to revive my old carpentry business, and I'm making the most of it. In fact, business has picked up in recent weeks that I can hardly keep up!
So would I recommend Vibrational Manifestation?
Absolutely. While some of the concepts addressed in the book may sound a bit esoteric, the practical strategies included within its pages is still plenty helpful when you're looking to make a change. If you find yourself feeling as if you're stuck in a rut, doesn't matter if it's about money or your job, or whatever you're not happy with in life, then you definitely need to check out Vibrational Manifestation.
If it can make a believer out of me, then you know it can work miracles for you.

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Law of Attraction

Law of attraction manifest abundance

The law of attraction; manifesting abundance; deliberate attraction. You've read "The Secret." You've watched Oprah talk about it at length. You've seen the Internet cottage industry rise out of nowhere around this amazing and promising concept.Except the law of attraction is no more a "secret" than the law of gravity. "Psst! Hey, I gotta tell you about this secret called the law of gravity. If you don't learn about it, you're gonna float right off the planet!" Pretty ridiculous, right?Manifesting and attracting are real and scientific. They are not mystical and new age; manifesting and attracting are matters of proven and verifiable fact from the new scientific revolution called quantum physics. In fact, on this lens I will teach you that you're already manifesting every moment of every day!You couldn't stop manifesting if you tried.You just might not be manifesting abundance. Or perhaps you're not manifesting abundance at the level you desire. Whatever the case may be, you've found your way to my lens and you will soon be manifesting abundance in a deliberate way - unlike anything you've ever done.Take your time with this information and be gentle with yourself as you start trying to manifest abundance. As has been said, try hard - but remember that you can't get it "wrong!" Read, learn, and change what you wish; this lens will give you the power to manifest abundance in whatever form you desire.

This is all about using the power of positive affirmations to aid you. A common use of the word affirmation is about making positive statements on a daily basis, about what you would like to be, do or have in your life.

When you change your energy and feelings, be vigilant of what happens and what ideas you get. Follow through on the most subtle of ideas to create space for the next one, and so on and so on.

Some techniques work better at energy levels to disrupt resistance where you are doubtful, fearful, more ‘negative’/resistant. Other techniques are enablers and magnifiers of your good energy, such as gratitude and appreciation methods which further enhance the good feelings you are experiencing.

Another great way to manifest your dream fife is using mind power tools ­and visualization. Visualize your fife exactly as you dream it, focusing on the feelings it makes you experience, and on all of the other aspects that relate to it.

You'll have the liberty to select every single item you'd like to buy, and yet, you'll find it overwhelming to spend tens of thousands of dollars a day. However, once you learn what unlimited abundance feels like, your vibration will change, and you'll soon find yourself earning a lot more money than ever before.

I had 4 paper dollars and a little bit of change to my name. I know from experience that it’s better to release money than to try to hold on to it negatively. (Negative thoughts like this is my last, I have to hold on to it) I went to the store and spent that money and gave love to the release of it. I actually needed that money. I told myself, God will make a way for me.

You can even step a bit lighter to give the impression that you've shed pounds already. Doing regular exercises and avoiding certain foods will surely help immensely, and you should probably consider them as well, although the mindset and beliefs are much more important.

We attract painful situations using our subconscious mind. To use your example of a woman in an abusive relationship, of course a woman consciously thinks, “I want a kind and caring partner” but as a child she learned that she wasn't good enough, and as a result her subconscious mind now believes she doesn't deserve a loving relationship. The subconscious mind thinks that love comes from people who don’t love and appreciate her, and her abusive partner reflects all of the limiting beliefs she holds about herself. Let's also not forget that this relationship did not simply fall into the woman’s lap– she agreed to go on the date. She agreed to be in a relationship with this person. And after the person began to behave abusively — through words or actions, the woman had a choice to immediately leave the situation, or to stay in it. If she doesn’t leave, then every moment she stays she is actively creating that abusive situation in her life. None of us are victims even though it appears that way on the surface, to upgrade to a better state of existence we simply need to find and question those beliefs that are holding us back and stopping us from attracting what we truly desire. Sometimes this can take years of therapy, or just a few minutes. It depends on how open and willing we are to see ourselves as we really are, it can be very upsetting to face our deepest wounds and admit how we hurt and damage other people in response to our inner pain. But in my experience, when we do finally let go of our subconscious blueprints that create the world around us, good fortune flows effortlessly. It’s amazing how available everything is to us, we just can't see it while we're living our lives in our little boxes we created for ourselves as young children.

Law of attraction
The law of attraction is the name given to the term that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. One example used by a proponent of the law of attraction is that if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then the law of attraction would "confirm" those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead expect a cheque might, under the same law, find a cheque instead of a bill. Law of attraction manifesting As you go to bed at night, repeat the word wealth, success, happiness, joy, laughter, money or any other words that resonate with you. Repeat the words easily, slowly and quietly for about 5 minutes. Just like a lullaby, lull yourself to sleep with these words. Your subconscious mind will bring pass those words and desires into your subconscious mind.

Manifestation miracle
Look, one thing I’ve figured out is that the universe is a lot more mysterious, amazing, and exciting than what I was taught in school. I absolutely believe we have the ability to harness the power of the universe to get what we want—it’s all about figuring out the proper methods and techniques to allow enable us to do that.