Attract Anything You Want

Believe and It Will Come

The universe is very open now and are giving people what they desire. Take one minute to go like the new law of attraction Fan Page HERE and the universe will give you what you truly desire.

Law of Attraction Introduction

Welcome. This page is for you all to learn how to manifest your desires by using the Law of Attraction. Gratitude is the main key, you must be thankful for everything.


Thursday, March 16, 2017

How To Make The Law of Attraction Work For You Instantly.

Let us see how best we can use the Law of Attraction to manifest anything we want…fast.
Probably you have read the book Secret or similar books and have watched the movie Secret too. In the last few years, we have been regularly coming across the words like Law of Attraction, Secret etc. which have become the buzz words in our times to help manifest our desires and needs.

Does Law of Attraction really work
If you keenly want to manifest (whatever your requirements are – ideal weight, job, relationship or money) you may ask “is it really possible to manifest by applying Law of Attraction (LOA) in the life ?”

The researchers have proved to us that our brain works like a wireless transmitter and like a radio to transmit and receive the energy and thoughts. Every thought has energy and it vibrates on certain frequency. That means if a thought is repeated knowingly or unknowingly, it creates vibrations which the brain sends out to the Universe. The cosmic energies then oblige by facilitating / creating opportunities for you and this helps manifest what we want in life.

This to a great extent confirms to our personal individual experiences which you yourself would have had. Try to recall that while in a public place such as a restaurant or the airport, you might have experienced some vibrations and when you look around, you found someone looking at you rather intensely.

You get what you think about most of the times
A better example would be that if you are thinking of someone for sincerely or intensely for some time, then this person calls you or bumps into you at a mall or at a metro station.

The possible explanation of this is that what you think creates a magnetic pull and it attracts the situations or people or the products accordingly.

Hence you get what you think about most of the times. An extension of this statement can also be ‘You become what you think most of the times’.

To manifest whatever you want in your life – A luxury yacht, a sports car, an expensive watch, a diamond necklace, a big house or a million dollars of money, you have to think constantly in mind about that in a positive way with mental images and feelings that you are already enjoying the possession of that money or jewelry or watch or the house.

Secondly, make sure that there is no negative feeling attached to it. For example, if you are wishing for a house then worry yourself about where the money for paying the mortgage is going to come from.

Thirdly, it has to be in present tense. For example, affirm regularly “I am receiving 10,000 dollars every month regularly in my bank account” and see it in your mind.

“Whatever man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”, was said by Napoleon Hill. Author of Think and Grow Rich

How To Make The Law of Attraction Work For You Instantly.

While it is as simple as saying that think the thoughts what you want to manifest in life and believe in your thoughts, yet it may not bring success in all the cases, all the time and that too fast enough.

There has to be a step by plan and a strategy to manifest what you want fast.

1. Know what you want: Be specific about what your desire is. It is not necessary to say that I wish that I had more money and money will just manifest before you. You have to know specifically what is it / how much is it that you want. It is very important to know what you want. Therefore, it would be a helpful exercise worth spending some of your time to write down specifically what you want.

2. Have a clear vision of what you want: Continuing with the same example of wanting to have money, you may rather say that I want to be in a job that pays me 10,000 dollars per month. Another example could be that I want a 5 bedroom house, with a garage, kitchen garden, heated swimming pool, front lawn and beautiful drive way in this city (name of city).

3. Set a clear Goal: It is merely not sufficient to know exactly what you want and to wish for it. It is like calling a fine dining restaurant and just telling them to book a table for you. You have to tell the restaurant clerk that you need a table for 2 for the specific day (say tomorrow) for dinner at 7.30 and you want this table to be near the window so that you can have the view of the city. Also you would have noticed that setting a time line is also important.

This is called goal setting and to manifest what you want fast, you should make S.M.A.R.T. goals. SMART is the acronym for : Specific, Measurable, Attainable and Realistic.

4. Desire: You should have a high level of desire to attract to yourself what you want. Let us say that you want to manifest 10,000 dollars per month in your life. If making 120,000 dollars in the next 12 months is your goal, then this desire should be a strong desire and not a wishful thinking.

Think for a minute of someone who got accidentally pushed into the swimming pool has a very strong desire to come out of the water’s surface and breathe again. This desire to stay alive and breath would be 10 on 10 thus a very strong desire. Similarly your goal to earn or to receive 10,000 dollars per month should also be very high – say 8 or 9 out 10 – at least.

5. Belief: Just like desire, you need to have a high level of belief also that your goal shall be achieved. Continuing with the previous example, accepted that you have a strong desire to make 120,000 dollars in a year or a million dollars in a year. Now check what is your level of belief that you will actually manifest this much money in a span of one year starting 30 days from now, given the situation that currently you make about 50,000 dollars in a year. Do you doubt that you will actually make this much amount? Do you wonder that where is all that money going to come from? In such a case, your belief may be less than 4 on 10, may be 2!

Please make a note of the underlying rule of the game that if you need to attract something in your life then you have to have high level of belief that you can manifest it, or you can achieve your goal.

Suppose for some reason you cannot bring your level of belief to a high level, you need to re-write your goal. If you were to answer the question that what is your belief that you can make 90,000 dollars (instead of 120,000 dollars), your answer comes 6 or may be 7. Now the next question could be what about 80,000 dollars and you jump out saying “Yes, my belief is 9 on 10 that within 45 days from now I can start an activity which will take me to that level”. Well then that’s it! Please readjust your goal to make 90,000 dollars in a year, starting 45 days from now. Also see How to become a Millionaire – Core Principles.

It is okay to start with a smaller goal and then go up in steps as your belief in Law of Attraction and yourself develops and increases. Once again, it is a level of belief 8 or above which will manifest for you what you want in life. So if your belief level s not very high for a particular goal or desire, don’t bother to apply Law of Attraction at this stage. You may readjust your goal using the SMART goal setting technique.
6. Think your thoughts regularly or rather all the time: besides the intensity of your desire and belief, it is also the frequency of your thoughts which activate the Law of Attraction to help manifest your desires in life.

7. Visualize very often what you want as already with you: This will help send out the vibrations to the Universe frequently. It is the Universe which will bring your product or situations to you.

8. Focus on your feelings that it is already with you: Emotionalizing will increase the energy and intensity of the whole process of attraction and manifestation. Whatever you focus on the energy works on it. You will start applying yourself more, better and with higher motivation to achieve your goal.

9. Affirmations: Regularly do affirmations for what you desire to achieve. Know all about affirmations.

10. Gratitude: Be grateful for what you already have. Chose your Gratitude Affirmations

11. Meditate: Meditate on what you want to achieve and you are attracting it. Meditation is a powerful method to attract and manifest what you desire. For example, please see Powerful Meditation for Manifesting Money

A practical exercise to manifest what you want fast
Let us put this step by step approach to real life example to manifest any two things you want to manifest in your life fast.

Step 1: Create 2 Goals

Make 2 goals for yourself, from your desire of what you want to manifest in next 10 days. It could be anything such as:

“Someone buying you an iPhone”
“Receiving an order which will earn you 5,000 dollars in business”
“Finding a new job which is closer to place you live and yet pays you 20% more than your current job”
“Someone buying you a coffee at Starbucks”
Or something like this.

Once you have decided on the 2 items to manifest in next 10 days, write them down as clearly and specifically as possible

Step 2: Check your desire and belief level

For each of the goals, ask yourself what is your level of belief that it would be manifested in the next 10 days. In case, your belief is not 8 or above, then scale down the size of the goal. For instance, you are OK with an intensity of 8 to 9 with the goal that you shall be invited for a sandwiches and coffee at Starbucks but you are at about 5 or 6 that you’ll receive an order of 5,000 dollars. Check your level of belief at 4,000 dollars, if you find it to be 7 may be you still need to lower it to say 3,000 dollars.

If at 3,000 dollars, you feel confident and can say that your belief is 9 out 10 then go ahead, fix this goal and write it down.

Step 3: Visualize, Affirm daily whatever you wish to manifest

From now on, everyday for 2 to 3 minutes and for at least 3 times a day feel in your mind that you have already achieved your goal. Feel it with your 5 senses (Touch, Hear, See, Smell and Taste). For example, you are at Starbucks with someone – see the scenario, smell the coffee, feel the taste of hot coffee which you are sipping from the cup you are holding in your hand, and you can hear the sounds of footsteps and the coffee machine.

Similarly, for money manifestation, visualize checking your bank account online, seeing the increased balance, feel the relief of paying your next bill from the money received, your partner shaking your hand and giving you a hug, you smell the perfume.

Step 4: Check out the opportunities

You have done your bit to create the right environment in the cosmic. Now keep your eyes and ears open for the opportunities and signals to cash the opportunities will get created.


Repeat this exercise in your mind with no doubt whatsoever. I am sure the repetition, intensity and expectancy will do their job of sending out the message to the Universe which will oblige you with providing you with the right opportunities.

To Sum Up
If you follow this strategy without omitting any single step, you will start attracting whatever you want and it will begin to manifest. Have a great combination of clear idea of what you want, a specific goal with a time frame, high level of desire, high intensity of belief, frequent visualization and repetition of your positive thoughts to attract and manifest whatever you desire in your life.

This is not to say that there is no need to take an action or this is a replacement of the action or the physical efforts required. On the contrary, this is a great supplement to your action on the physical level. You will get the desired motivation or there shall be marked increase in the level of motivation and with this strategy your physical activity will get improved or facilitated.

To motivate yourself, look around and you may find people whom you already know who have manifested and are regularly attracting things they want using law of attraction besides actively putting efforts for it.

Checkout This Video

Checkout This Video
Destiny Tuning

The Attractionicity Ultimate Attraction Meditation

The Attractionicity Ultimate Attraction Meditation
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Law of Attraction

Law of attraction manifest abundance

The law of attraction; manifesting abundance; deliberate attraction. You've read "The Secret." You've watched Oprah talk about it at length. You've seen the Internet cottage industry rise out of nowhere around this amazing and promising concept.Except the law of attraction is no more a "secret" than the law of gravity. "Psst! Hey, I gotta tell you about this secret called the law of gravity. If you don't learn about it, you're gonna float right off the planet!" Pretty ridiculous, right?Manifesting and attracting are real and scientific. They are not mystical and new age; manifesting and attracting are matters of proven and verifiable fact from the new scientific revolution called quantum physics. In fact, on this lens I will teach you that you're already manifesting every moment of every day!You couldn't stop manifesting if you tried.You just might not be manifesting abundance. Or perhaps you're not manifesting abundance at the level you desire. Whatever the case may be, you've found your way to my lens and you will soon be manifesting abundance in a deliberate way - unlike anything you've ever done.Take your time with this information and be gentle with yourself as you start trying to manifest abundance. As has been said, try hard - but remember that you can't get it "wrong!" Read, learn, and change what you wish; this lens will give you the power to manifest abundance in whatever form you desire.

This is all about using the power of positive affirmations to aid you. A common use of the word affirmation is about making positive statements on a daily basis, about what you would like to be, do or have in your life.

When you change your energy and feelings, be vigilant of what happens and what ideas you get. Follow through on the most subtle of ideas to create space for the next one, and so on and so on.

Some techniques work better at energy levels to disrupt resistance where you are doubtful, fearful, more ‘negative’/resistant. Other techniques are enablers and magnifiers of your good energy, such as gratitude and appreciation methods which further enhance the good feelings you are experiencing.

Another great way to manifest your dream fife is using mind power tools ­and visualization. Visualize your fife exactly as you dream it, focusing on the feelings it makes you experience, and on all of the other aspects that relate to it.

You'll have the liberty to select every single item you'd like to buy, and yet, you'll find it overwhelming to spend tens of thousands of dollars a day. However, once you learn what unlimited abundance feels like, your vibration will change, and you'll soon find yourself earning a lot more money than ever before.

I had 4 paper dollars and a little bit of change to my name. I know from experience that it’s better to release money than to try to hold on to it negatively. (Negative thoughts like this is my last, I have to hold on to it) I went to the store and spent that money and gave love to the release of it. I actually needed that money. I told myself, God will make a way for me.

You can even step a bit lighter to give the impression that you've shed pounds already. Doing regular exercises and avoiding certain foods will surely help immensely, and you should probably consider them as well, although the mindset and beliefs are much more important.

We attract painful situations using our subconscious mind. To use your example of a woman in an abusive relationship, of course a woman consciously thinks, “I want a kind and caring partner” but as a child she learned that she wasn't good enough, and as a result her subconscious mind now believes she doesn't deserve a loving relationship. The subconscious mind thinks that love comes from people who don’t love and appreciate her, and her abusive partner reflects all of the limiting beliefs she holds about herself. Let's also not forget that this relationship did not simply fall into the woman’s lap– she agreed to go on the date. She agreed to be in a relationship with this person. And after the person began to behave abusively — through words or actions, the woman had a choice to immediately leave the situation, or to stay in it. If she doesn’t leave, then every moment she stays she is actively creating that abusive situation in her life. None of us are victims even though it appears that way on the surface, to upgrade to a better state of existence we simply need to find and question those beliefs that are holding us back and stopping us from attracting what we truly desire. Sometimes this can take years of therapy, or just a few minutes. It depends on how open and willing we are to see ourselves as we really are, it can be very upsetting to face our deepest wounds and admit how we hurt and damage other people in response to our inner pain. But in my experience, when we do finally let go of our subconscious blueprints that create the world around us, good fortune flows effortlessly. It’s amazing how available everything is to us, we just can't see it while we're living our lives in our little boxes we created for ourselves as young children.

Law of attraction
The law of attraction is the name given to the term that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. One example used by a proponent of the law of attraction is that if a person opened an envelope expecting to see a bill, then the law of attraction would "confirm" those thoughts and contain a bill when opened. A person who decided to instead expect a cheque might, under the same law, find a cheque instead of a bill. Law of attraction manifesting As you go to bed at night, repeat the word wealth, success, happiness, joy, laughter, money or any other words that resonate with you. Repeat the words easily, slowly and quietly for about 5 minutes. Just like a lullaby, lull yourself to sleep with these words. Your subconscious mind will bring pass those words and desires into your subconscious mind.

Manifestation miracle
Look, one thing I’ve figured out is that the universe is a lot more mysterious, amazing, and exciting than what I was taught in school. I absolutely believe we have the ability to harness the power of the universe to get what we want—it’s all about figuring out the proper methods and techniques to allow enable us to do that.